ورقة علمية

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The turf grass plays an important role in land stabilization, soil protection against water and wind erosion, sand dune fixation, air purification, temperature modification…etc. Turf grass species and cultivars differ in their responses to drought, water salt content and other environmental factors. This study was conducted to examine the effect of different sea water concentrations on development and growth of Paspalum distichum. Sea water was obtained from North eastern part of Benghazi city and concentrations of 0%, 1%, 2%, 5%, 10% and 20% (v/v) of seawater were used. The results of Paspalum distichum revealed that, there was no correlation between sea water concentration and leaf water content while the differences in the mean of leaf water content were not significant. Effect of treatment on fresh and dry weight of shoot system was significant. In contrast, fresh and dry weight of root system was not significant.